Staying Connected During a Crisis

Staying Connected During a Crisis

As a touring musician, a mom of three sons (whom I took on the road for 15 years), and frankly as someone who was raised in a country where there were no public bathrooms, I can tell you with certainty that humans can survive without toilet paper. (Ok, I agree that if...
The Art Of Letting Go Of Things That No Longer Serve You

The Art Of Letting Go Of Things That No Longer Serve You

This past week, on Ash Wednesday, I reflected on the art of Letting Go. As you might know, I’ve been working on writing my memoir. My journals that I’ve kept since I was nine years old are a great resource. I read one entry this week that triggered an...
Keep Love As Your Superpower

Keep Love As Your Superpower

I hope Valentine’s Day brought you thoughts of love and many gifts that always come with Love (which sometimes happens even from just reflecting on it).   I have a story to share today that I’m sure will warm your heart.   This past week I had three...
Anything Can Be Changed

Anything Can Be Changed

“I didn’t know it was changeable,” my son Evan said as we worked on redesigning his room. A trip to Ikea was all he needed to get started. And a new ceiling fan. “Look, it actually moves air,”  we laughed as he demonstrated the speed of the brand new, sleek-looking...
Why You Shouldn’t Push Blindly Through Pain

Why You Shouldn’t Push Blindly Through Pain

The other day, a friend of mine sent me a link to a post with Kobe Bryant’s speech from 2016, when he was being honored with an award for his basketball career. “We’re not on this stage just because of talent or ability. We’re up here because of 4 a.m. We’re up...