Divine Love and The Prayer

Divine Love and The Prayer

  “My heart is closed,” wrote a woman to me after a Croatian TV aired a story about ‘Tajci finding new love after husband’s death.’ I agreed to do the story because it was an opportunity to send out a bit of hope and speak about love, healing, gratitude, family...
Let Go of Your ‘Perfect’ Vision

Let Go of Your ‘Perfect’ Vision

Last week, we received the decision that the school year was officially over.   “Congratulations on finishing high school!” I said to my senior Evan Amadeus later that day, trying to keep it light.   “I still have my AP tests, so technically I’m not done,” he said.  ...
Tap Into Love and Hope

Tap Into Love and Hope

It’s a very different Easter this year. A friend of mine posted on her Instagram how sad she was that she would not have her family come visit. Another one feels lost without going to her church. I can understand the grief that comes with the loss of something we hold...
Make Space for Lightness In Your Heart

Make Space for Lightness In Your Heart

Each day now, I hear of another person I know who has contracted Covid-19, and I hope and pray they will be ok 🙁   My days begin and end with a gratitude prayer for all those who are serving as healers and caretakers right now, and all the love and encouragement...
What Times of Crisis Teach Us About Mindfulness

What Times of Crisis Teach Us About Mindfulness

How are you? How are you spending your minutes these days?   I’m asking about minutes because, as the world suddenly and collectively slowed down, many people have become a lot more aware (mindful) about how they are spending their time. You know, those moments in...
Take This Opportunity To Make Something Beautiful

Take This Opportunity To Make Something Beautiful

I went to the grocery store the other day to buy something for dinner. “What should I make?” I asked my son, Evan. “Whatever is available,” he said. “Of course!” I thought. I almost felt excited. Maybe a little bit like those chefs on the cooking shows who are given...