To me, music has never been “laborious” but something I was born to do – which doesn’t take away from the hours and hours of music training, practicing and working on my craft. Even though I enjoy it, and we call it “playing” music, it’s still work 🙂
As we drove to Virginia, I was reminded of 15 years spent on the road with Matthew and our sons. Now THAT was hard work!!! Really hard at times – when kids were not feeling well, when we drove through the night, through snow and ice storms to get them back to school on Monday mornings, or when our vehicle broke down – but it was also magical…
It’s hard to believe I’m taking our oldest son, Dante, to college next week!
We are both excited as he really loves animation and film. He, too, worked hard on studying and learning how to apply his natural talent to create something awesome. Dante is already taking jobs and earning money. And I’m very proud of him for that.
Which brings me to “George.” 🙂
I remember how diligently Dante worked on those illustrations when he was just a five-year-old boy. When I published it as a children’s book for his graduation present this past May, I wanted to encourage him to keep following his path and using his talents to make beautiful things that will move people’s hearts.
His 18th birthday is coming up, too, so if you’d like, please order “George” and gift both someone special in your life and the young artist 🙂. His mother will be gifted, too!
And whatever it is that you do, whatever your “work” is, I hope you can enjoy it and feel grateful for the opportunity to work and provide.


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