On paper, this tour looked like a piece of cake.
This first week, we did two concerts in Victorville, CA. The following day we did another two in Payson, AZ. We then had a 9 hour drive to Carlsbad, NM to do one more concert and then turn right back around and drive to Los Angeles, CA (14.5 hours) and then on to Paso Robles for the next show.
But we are a good team – my sister Sanja, our pianist Brian Hanson and me. We share driving and so far it’s been fun. The biggest challenge is to stay healthy on the road – eat nutritious meals, drink plenty of water (I don’t like plastic water bottles, so I try to fill up my bottle every time we stop) and move (that one is hard because when we arrive to our destination, the last thing I want to do is go work out.)
Then there is work (admin, posting to social media, communicating with the venues, making sure we have enough merchandise for each concert, paying bills, managing kids via texts and phone calls, and planning ahead for upcoming concerts and speaking engagements, etc).
It’s really like running a solo business and taking a road trip at the same time. I try to do some of it during our long drives and during our very limited time off.
But if you think that sounds exhausting, imagine how we did all of that while raising our three children on the road!
This morning, Facebook sent me a picture of my boys in Central Park in NYC – from nine years ago. I remembered how tired I was then, but also how wonderful it was! I was blessed with a husband whose nickname was “tumbleweed’ because he adored traveling, and three sons who didn’t mind sitting in a vehicle for hours at a time.
I’m proud of all of us… we did it because of the love and support of people we met along the way – Waking up in America in a different town almost every day…
I’m so grateful for the incredible 15 years of touring. We moved hearts and inspired people to hope, love and believe deeper.
It’s not much different now – the songs are different, and instead of churches, we perform in beautiful concert venues, but the impact we make is the same.
We connect with the audiences and move their hearts.
Music is healing – especially music that sings of love.
There is also laughter and inspiration in our shows – both of which create healing in their own way. All our shows have a bit of comedy and I also share some of my story and connect songs with life’s little wisdoms.
One thing that I’ve been really moved by though this is the people who are organizing these concerts.
They are Community Concert Associations – non-profit organizations of volunteers who put concert series together. Their mission is to keep live performances in their communities – for enjoyment, but also because they believe that arts are an important part of life.
Do you attend classical/jazz concerts at your local performing arts center? Do you support live arts?
My kids’ concert band regularly do community concerts – and those performances are always free (or they ask for a small donation).
So here’s my idea for you – a way for you to enjoy the immense benefits of music and of being involved in your community: find community concerts near you and attend a few with people you love!
You’ll likely be blown away by the talent that’s within your community.
Sit. Listen. Let the music move you.
See how you feel afterwards and what it inspires you to do next 🙂


Tatiana “Tajci” Cameron is an award-winning music artist, published author, inspirational speaker, and certified transformational and spiritual life coach.

She has many passions and is dedicated to helping others while also creating an enriched life for herself and her three sons. When Tajci is not on the road performing gigs, she volunteers with local organizations dear to her heart, spends time with loved ones (often involving music!), and collaborates with other artists to bring creative projects to life.

Tajci’s most recent projects include a meditation CD, an annual retreat & sea cruise in Croatia (that she organizes and hosts), and a multimedia CD/book (Un)Broken: Songs My Father Taught Me.


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