What’s Your Body Trying To Tell You?

What’s Your Body Trying To Tell You?

Growing up, whenever Spring came and I didn’t feel well, my mom would say it was because of the change of season. She still does.  I looked it up. It’s true. “The temperature shifts permit a different group of viruses to flourish (like those causing colds and flu),”...
Writing Can Release Stress and Emotions

Writing Can Release Stress and Emotions

How are you today? The sun was out this past week, the maple tree in my backyard is covered with tiny purple buds, and the daffodils in the front of my house are ready to bloom! Life is good 🙂 You know how sometimes you keep hearing the same message everywhere you go?...
You Should Keep Showing Up

You Should Keep Showing Up

A friend of mine sent me a newspaper article about a guitar tech who was working on major artists’ tours for many decades making a nice income, and was now struggling to pay his mortgage.  The article wasn’t news to me. It pointed out that globally, some 18 million...
Shift From Overwhelm to Calm

Shift From Overwhelm to Calm

How have you been this past week?  I felt blessed… grateful for the snow that turned the pine tree in our backyard into Christmas 🙂 In Nashville, two inches of snow closes the schools. With four inches, you make banana bread and another cup of hot tea, and you...
Nothing Can Make Love Go Away

Nothing Can Make Love Go Away

This week, I’m going to let myself write about love – free-flowing and without trying to make a point. I hope you enjoy it! (Or skip it and check out the song below and the amazing Love story it carries)… ️ “When you begin to touch your heart or let your...

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