I’ll be completely transparent with you: As I sat down to write this, I got the news that our September tour has been canceled. Not only that, but the rest of the concerts I planned for this year aren’t happening either. If ‘ugh’ is a feeling, I felt “ugh, ugh, ugh.” because 90% of my income comes from live shows and touring.

A friend of mine, who is a radio announcer, wrote to me how his radio station is making huge cuts – due to businesses shutting down and not being able to advertise. We were going to produce a radio jingle for his show, and he was disappointed because we can’t get the funds to do it.

I wrote to him: “We have to keep showing up for people – you as a radio personality, me as a music artist… because without music and entertainment, life becomes hopeless…We’ll figure it out…”.

Then I turned my head to my right and let the MixTiles my son made for me remind me:





We’ll figure it out.









Making Space for Grace

This past week, I posted a video on my Patreon page, about my Closet Cleaning adventure.

What’s significant about it is that (following Marie Kondo’s KonMari method of tidying up), I took every piece of clothing out of my closet and piled it up on my bed, 2 hours before a Live Streamed Concert – part of ‘Portraits in Faith Concert Series’!

Somehow I felt strongly compelled to do this and I didn’t really think much of it (everyone cleans out their closets once in a while, right?) until it was 6:15 pm and I needed to pick out what to wear. LOL!

Only after the concert (which flowed so beautifully and really was a healing experience), I made the connection between this strange urge to clean out my closet and the need to make “space for grace.”

I needed to give myself permission to embrace the change that is happening in my life, and let go of the past because everything IS different now.

It’s like my song “Keep Your Head Up” says: “The road behind is broken, mountains shook and the earth split open” – there is no going back.

We have to keep going forward, letting go of clothes (and beliefs and systems) that don’t fit us anymore.

Make room for new clothes and, more importantly, new growth.

When our world is shattered into a million pieces, we say we will ‘re-build’ it. In the process, even if we try our hardest to rebuild it exactly the way it was before we fell apart, we can’t.

The very process of falling apart changes us. Every hardship changes us.

But when we fall apart, we have a chance to keep (and use) only the parts we want in our lives.

Like bringing only the clothes you want (and ones that fit you) into your newly organized closet.

Like replacing some that are truly worn out and no longer serve the purpose (like a worn out, stained blouse.)

So today I invite you to think about what you are willing to let go of, and what you don’t want to put back on your proverbial shelves – anger, resentment, resistance to healing and compassion, privilege, and joy, compassion, forgiveness, grace, creativity, hope, and love.

Join My Community!


Come join our community on Patreon! I do exclusive behind the scenes videos on there and you’ll have first access to new content I create! 🙂

Plus, you’ll be helping me immensely during this time in which I’m left without an income from performing.

Check out my Patreon and read about all the benefits!

Tatiana “Tajci” Cameron is an award-winning music artist, published author, inspirational speaker, and certified transformational and spiritual life coach.

She has many passions and is dedicated to helping others while also creating an enriched life for herself and her three sons. When Tajci is not on the road performing gigs, she volunteers with local organizations dear to her heart, spends time with loved ones (often involving music!), and collaborates with other artists to bring creative projects to life.

Tajci’s most recent projects include a meditation CD, an annual retreat & sea cruise in Croatia (that she organizes and hosts), and a multimedia CD/book (Un)Broken: Songs My Father Taught Me.


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