From Identity to Essence: Embracing Change for Personal Growth

From Identity to Essence: Embracing Change for Personal Growth

​​​​ In a world often consumed by labels, roles, and societal expectations, it’s good to take a step back and ask ourselves a fundamental question: “Who am I?” It will guide us on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I recently had the...
Keep Calm, Trust, and Create Art

Keep Calm, Trust, and Create Art

Today, I’m borrowing a quote from the Nobel Prize-winning poet Seamus Heaney: ‘The end of art is peace.’ I heard it on A1 Show and Podcast with a musician who was discussing fame vs success as an artist. I was driving to Stormlight Pictures...
Beyond Grit: Elevating Success with a Dose of Self-Care

Beyond Grit: Elevating Success with a Dose of Self-Care

Let’s talk about that incredible blend of determination and looking out for number one – you. You know, that combo of going all out for your dreams while also giving yourself the TLC you deserve. 🤩 On one side, we’ve got the gutsy drive that pushes us to...
Pause and Breathe

Pause and Breathe

This morning, I posted a graphic on my Instagram similar to the one above. The symbol in the graphic is a musical symbol for ‘a rest’ (more specifically, a quarter note rest). In Croatian, it’s called ‘pauza’ (a pause). It tells the...
Changes in Perspective

Changes in Perspective

Recently, I asked some of my readers how they get deep rest. Here are the most common answers:  Hiking, walking, or simply being in nature. Going on annual retreats (silent retreats are really great!). I loved hearing from one person who is able to go three times a...