How are you today? The sun was out this past week, the maple tree in my backyard is covered with tiny purple buds, and the daffodils in the front of my house are ready to bloom! Life is good 🙂

You know how sometimes you keep hearing the same message everywhere you go? It shows up in your newsfeed, your neighbor says it, it’s in the book you are reading… and so you pay attention to it. LOL

For me, this past week, it was all about writing. Writing can be healing. It’s used in therapy, it’s great to release stress and emotions, it gives your brain a chance to ‘dump’ useless information, organize thoughts, envision and plan, create and express yourself without any special equipment. Just a pen and paper (or a computer). 

Do you write? Journal? Write cards and letters to share with others?

When you post on social media, what kind of posts do you create? Humorous? Educational? Inspirational? 

How are you today? The sun was out this past week, the maple tree in my backyard is covered with tiny purple buds, and the daffodils in the front of my house are ready to bloom! Life is good 🙂

You know how sometimes you keep hearing the same message everywhere you go? It shows up in your newsfeed, your neighbor says it, it’s in the book you are reading… and so you pay attention to it. LOL

For me, this past week, it was all about writing. Writing can be healing. It’s used in therapy, it’s great to release stress and emotions, it gives your brain a chance to ‘dump’ useless information, organize thoughts, envision and plan, create and express yourself without any special equipment. Just a pen and paper (or a computer). 

Do you write? Journal? Write cards and letters to share with others?

When you post on social media, what kind of posts do you create? Humorous? Educational? Inspirational? 

As I am writing this to you, I am in awe of this process that connects us – writing and sharing. Sometimes expressing deep vulnerable things, and other times sharing useful things we learned. How humbling and awesome it is that we can create experiences and share our intentions and affect each other through words… 

And then this came to me:

An Invitation

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Actually, wait. 

Don’t close your eyes. Keep reading 🙂

Take another breath. Slow or deep, or fast or shallow. Take notice. 


The space is there for you to breathe.


But you can also scroll down fast. 

It’s up to you. 


Because, I typed these words for you, 

but now they are yours to ponder. 


They are thoughts that floated through silence and 

landed on my mind like seeds of a dandelion 

(making me feel excited about the warm weather and green grass and a field full of wildflowers).


They are 0’s and 1’s scrambled up, transformed into invisible waves, 

received and unscrambled and somehow placed into your device for you to 

read in the same order as I wrote them. 


The thoughts came to me, 

I observed them, let many pass by 

(I get easily distracted, so I blew on some to help them fly away),

and picked out those that matched my 

intention and desire 

to connect with you and 

experience something good: 

connection, wonder, Grace, comfort, hope, peace, what else?


I’m going to ask you a question. 

You can skip it, or consider it.

It’s up to you. 


As you read, do you hear your voice reading them? 

Or someone else’s?

Do you hear another voice telling you there are more important things 

to do right now than read this?



(The space is there for you to listen)



Take another breath.

Instead of the voice reading, can you

hear the air flowing through your nose, 

filling up your lungs, expanding your chest and then,

like a summer breeze gently moving through you?


And while you focus on the breath, 

does the voice quiet down?


I follow my breath like I’d follow a small ray of light 

looking for the path

leading to a place where the voices in my head

quiet down

where I am able to just be

at peace




This is where I wanted to invite you to come.


It’s not my place

It’s completely yours


I can’t go there with you, 

and yet, in that place we are all connected to each other

and to everything else

without labeling it, judging it, knowing it…


And from this place we emerge peaceful 

and less stressed out


less worried about the future

content to be where we are now. 

Empowered to think the thoughts creative and life-giving

to let go of the ones that make us angry and resentful

and watch them float away like the seeds of dandelions on a warm sunny day.


Now… close your eyes and breathe

As I am writing this to you, I am in awe of this process that connects us – writing and sharing. Sometimes expressing deep vulnerable things, and other times sharing useful things we learned. How humbling and awesome it is that we can create experiences and share our intentions and affect each other through words… 

And then this came to me:

An Invitation

Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Actually, wait. 

Don’t close your eyes. Keep reading 🙂

Take another breath. Slow or deep, or fast or shallow. Take notice. 


The space is there for you to breathe.


But you can also scroll down fast. 

It’s up to you. 


Because, I typed these words for you, 

but now they are yours to ponder. 


They are thoughts that floated through silence and 

landed on my mind like seeds of a dandelion 

(making me feel excited about the warm weather and green grass and a field full of wildflowers).


They are 0’s and 1’s scrambled up, transformed into invisible waves, 

received and unscrambled and somehow placed into your device for you to 

read in the same order as I wrote them. 


The thoughts came to me, 

I observed them, let many pass by 

(I get easily distracted, so I blew on some to help them fly away),

and picked out those that matched my 

intention and desire 

to connect with you and 

experience something good: 

connection, wonder, Grace, comfort, hope, peace, what else?


I’m going to ask you a question. 

You can skip it, or consider it.

It’s up to you. 


As you read, do you hear your voice reading them? 

Or someone else’s?

Do you hear another voice telling you there are more important things 

to do right now than read this?



(The space is there for you to listen)



Take another breath.

Instead of the voice reading, can you

hear the air flowing through your nose, 

filling up your lungs, expanding your chest and then,

like a summer breeze gently moving through you?


And while you focus on the breath, 

does the voice quiet down?


I follow my breath like I’d follow a small ray of light 

looking for the path

leading to a place where the voices in my head

quiet down

where I am able to just be

at peace




This is where I wanted to invite you to come.


It’s not my place

It’s completely yours


I can’t go there with you, 

and yet, in that place we are all connected to each other

and to everything else

without labeling it, judging it, knowing it…


And from this place we emerge peaceful 

and less stressed out


less worried about the future

content to be where we are now. 

Empowered to think the thoughts creative and life-giving

to let go of the ones that make us angry and resentful

and watch them float away like the seeds of dandelions on a warm sunny day.


Now… close your eyes and breathe


Speaking of voices in my head… I wrote this song in 2011 when I really struggled and had a hard time finding peace and grace. 

Hope you enjoy it!

Speaking of voices in my head… I wrote this song in 2011 when I really struggled and had a hard time finding peace and grace. 

Hope you enjoy it!

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Let music+story+coaching help you figure out

AND live your dream life. 

Get weekly emails, exclusive content. special offers and
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