Balance Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Balance Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

Recently, I heard this story:  Billy and Bobby are camping in the mountains. They lay awake in the middle of the night. Billy asks: “Bobby, what are you thinking about?” Bobby says: “I’m looking at the stars and thinking how vast the universe is, how many stars,...
Do You Feel Defeated, or Empowered?

Do You Feel Defeated, or Empowered?

How’s your summer going?  I found this on my FB and thought it was funny (and a little bit true) LOL “Europeans’ out of offices are like: ‘I will not be working until 18 September. All emails will be automatically deleted.’ Americans: ‘I’m in the hospital. Email...
The Path to Healing Can Be Simple

The Path to Healing Can Be Simple

Here’s today’s story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. I was asked to send a little video greeting to a TV show in Serbia to share how I’m spending my summer. “I’m playing local gigs, working on my memoir, attending an online class that will...
What Are You Prioritizing In Life?

What Are You Prioritizing In Life?

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” A friend of mine and I were talking recently about it in terms of always being too busy to do things we love and want to do. And the same day, I saw this on my Instagram feed “Adulthood is saying ‘But after...
How We Can Show Ourselves More Love

How We Can Show Ourselves More Love

It’s usually on birthdays and holidays that we are reminded just how much we are loved – whether it comes from that one person who gives us just the words we need to hear, or many who send us a ‘happy birthday’ line or a funny GIF.  I experienced a beautiful...

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