Recently, I asked a friend if she had plans to travel to Nashville sometime soon. She replied with “I’m tending my roots… It’s the season of staying here right now.” 

Her words paused my next thought. And then they painted a Mary Engelbreit-like picture of ‘staying here to tend to your roots.’ 

Feelings of comfort and peace showed up; my body relaxed into a grounding relief. It’s the season of staying here now. I read her words again and, with gratitude, I absorbed the blessing they brought me. Then I released this beautiful moment of reflection and moved on with my day. 

On Monday, my Aunt Vera (my mom’s sister) passed away – only a week before her 88th birthday. She was always filled with faith, prayers, and music. I spent time with my mom on the phone, I looked at the pictures that I had of her, and remembered the times we had together. I tended to my roots, I thought. 

Connecting with family and honoring those who, in one way or another, affect our path, is tending to one’s roots.

Then yesterday morning, I found myself replanting a small bamboo plant. I had it in a really pretty glass bottle where I had planted it when it was a tiny shoot that broke off of its parent plant. It looked beautiful, artsy, and trendy on my kitchen windowsill. But it needed more space to grow. 

The glass bottle had a small neck, so I first had to carefully pry the dirt out of it, and release the delicate roots. I’m tending the roots, I thought. 

Knowing when to move on – into a “bigger pot”, or away from home and into a new life –  so one can grow tall, healthy, and into its full potential, is also tending to one’s roots. 


Recently, I asked a friend if she had plans to travel to Nashville sometime soon. She replied with “I’m tending my roots… It’s the season of staying here right now.” 

Her words paused my next thought. And then they painted a Mary Engelbreit-like picture of ‘staying here to tend to your roots.’ 

Feelings of comfort and peace showed up; my body relaxed into a grounding relief. It’s the season of staying here now. I read her words again and, with gratitude, I absorbed the blessing they brought me. Then I released this beautiful moment of reflection and moved on with my day. 

On Monday, my Aunt Vera (my mom’s sister) passed away – only a week before her 88th birthday. She was always filled with faith, prayers, and music. I spent time with my mom on the phone, I looked at the pictures that I had of her, and remembered the times we had together. I tended to my roots, I thought. 

Connecting with family and honoring those who, in one way or another, affect our path, is tending to one’s roots.

Then yesterday morning, I found myself replanting a small bamboo plant. I had it in a really pretty glass bottle where I had planted it when it was a tiny shoot that broke off of its parent plant. It looked beautiful, artsy, and trendy on my kitchen windowsill. But it needed more space to grow. 

The glass bottle had a small neck, so I first had to carefully pry the dirt out of it, and release the delicate roots. I’m tending the roots, I thought. 

Knowing when to move on – into a “bigger pot”, or away from home and into a new life –  so one can grow tall, healthy, and into its full potential, is also tending to one’s roots. 


Going to Croatia this summer for just a few days to see and hug my mama was tending to my roots

Taking a trip to Cincinnati with my sons to spend a few days with their grandfather, who suddenly got sick, and the rest of the family is tending to their roots. 

Tending to one’s roots has many different forms. 

Recently, I experienced a growth spurt (yup, we grow at any age!) – an expansion in my heart, mind and soul. It feels both like going further away from my roots AND returning home to them. It’s like a crown of a tree that gets wider as its roots spread underneath.

And yet, growth (especially emotional and spiritual growth) can often feel scary because we feel like we are going away from our roots (or at least what feels like our root system). 

The thing is, we take our roots with us. 

Yes, some situations pull us out of our ‘usual’ and break a bit of our root system, but growth is more like we’re being transplanted.

No matter what, Grace tends to our roots, as long as Love is our foundation. 

How do you tend to your roots?

Going to Croatia this summer for just a few days to see and hug my mama was tending to my roots

Taking a trip to Cincinnati with my sons to spend a few days with their grandfather, who suddenly got sick, and the rest of the family is tending to their roots. 

Tending to one’s roots has many different forms. 

Recently, I experienced a growth spurt (yup, we grow at any age!) – an expansion in my heart, mind and soul. It feels both like going further away from my roots AND returning home to them. It’s like a crown of a tree that gets wider as its roots spread underneath.

And yet, growth (especially emotional and spiritual growth) can often feel scary because we feel like we are going away from our roots (or at least what feels like our root system). 

The thing is, we take our roots with us. 

Yes, some situations pull us out of our ‘usual’ and break a bit of our root system, but growth is more like we’re being transplanted.

No matter what, Grace tends to our roots, as long as Love is our foundation. 

How do you tend to your roots?


I feel compelled to share The Prayer with you today. Here it is…

I feel compelled to share The Prayer with you today. Here it is…

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