Recently, when I was working late, I received this text:

“Just finished my annual tradition of watching your beautiful, amazing Christmas concert. It’s never Christmas without belting out the Magnificat or crying to One Solitary Life. You are a true gift. And I’m grateful for you.”

A wave of gratitude washed over me. Yes, what a gift it was to be able to create this beautiful program and to have the courage to load small children into a van and drive around the country to perform it.

We would set up music equipment, sound system, and lights (it took us hours and half a dozen volunteers) a hundred times each year – all between tending to my tired boys, kissing their boo-boos, or catching their laughs as they peeked from behind the pews. 

It was a lot of work and it was sacred work. It touched millions of hearts. I leaned into the sweet memories of our touring days and my own heart was full. 

I’m also grateful that we have such a beautiful video that captured the magic of those concerts. 

Recently, when I was working late, I received this text:

“Just finished my annual tradition of watching your beautiful, amazing Christmas concert. It’s never Christmas without belting out the Magnificat or crying to One Solitary Life. You are a true gift. And I’m grateful for you.”

A wave of gratitude washed over me. Yes, what a gift it was to be able to create this beautiful program and to have the courage to load small children into a van and drive around the country to perform it.

We would set up music equipment, sound system, and lights (it took us hours and half a dozen volunteers) a hundred times each year – all between tending to my tired boys, kissing their boo-boos, or catching their laughs as they peeked from behind the pews. 

It was a lot of work and it was sacred work. It touched millions of hearts. I leaned into the sweet memories of our touring days and my own heart was full. 

I’m also grateful that we have such a beautiful video that captured the magic of those concerts.

And yes, I felt a bit sad too…

I wished I was out somewhere singing my heart out, making beautiful music that connects us with Love itself. Last year was the first holiday season in my life that I didn’t tour.

This year, it still feels weird. It’s challenging because those tours were not just something that I absolutely loved doing – and that inspired so many people – but also because performing was my main source of income. 

The thing is, life comes with seasons – of growing, harvesting, pruning back, and letting go in order to encourage new healthy growth. We are all experiencing this – feeling big shifts in the world that affect each and every one of us. 

Having an awareness of where we are and what is in our power to do (and what is not) helps us embrace and accept each season as it is. It helps us to take appropriate steps without creating additional stress. It allows Grace to carry us through. 

I can’t tell you how valuable it’s been for me to practice mindfulness, to cultivate awareness, and learn different tools that help me navigate life’s challenges – no matter how small or big they are. Once again, I’m figuring out how to restructure my business and provide for my family. And although it hasn’t been easy, it also doesn’t scare me or cause me anxiety and stress.  

And yes, I felt a bit sad too…

I wished I was out somewhere singing my heart out, making beautiful music that connects us with Love itself. Last year was the first holiday season in my life that I didn’t tour.

This year, it still feels weird. It’s challenging because those tours were not just something that I absolutely loved doing – and that inspired so many people – but also because performing was my main source of income. 

The thing is, life comes with seasons – of growing, harvesting, pruning back, and letting go in order to encourage new healthy growth. We are all experiencing this – feeling big shifts in the world that affect each and every one of us. 

Having an awareness of where we are and what is in our power to do (and what is not) helps us embrace and accept each season as it is. It helps us to take appropriate steps without creating additional stress. It allows Grace to carry us through. 

I can’t tell you how valuable it’s been for me to practice mindfulness, to cultivate awareness, and learn different tools that help me navigate life’s challenges – no matter how small or big they are. Once again, I’m figuring out how to restructure my business and provide for my family. And although it hasn’t been easy, it also doesn’t scare me or cause me anxiety and stress.  


Here is our recent Christmas show – live from my music room 🙂

Here is our recent Christmas show – live from my music room 🙂

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