A Voice, A Bridge and Love

A Voice, A Bridge and Love

I wrote a short story for you. It’s fiction based on true events ;)But before you read it, I want to let you know how grateful I am that you are here. I am honored that you read the stories and inspirations I write for you.I love when you reach out, and I love when...
We Are Never TRULY broken…

We Are Never TRULY broken…

I’m blown away (and feeling very grateful) with so many of you sending me well wishes and healing prayers. The surgery went fine, although I didn’t expect the recovery to be as difficult.   I’m already feeling a lot better, although I am still taking it super easy and...
Committing to Creating a Better World for Everyone

Committing to Creating a Better World for Everyone

When I was a little girl growing up in a beautiful little country (Croatia) nestled between Italy, Austria, and Hungary, I dreamt of someday visiting America. At 4 years of age, it wasn’t about the opportunity or freedom, or even the spirit of courage and bravery, it...
Your Mindset Changes the World Around You

Your Mindset Changes the World Around You

I recently sat on the back deck with a glass of water, while Luna rested at my feet. We had just returned from our evening walk, something that has become our routine. The fireflies and the fairy lights I strung along the side of my deck made me smile. “I’ll be 50 in...
It’s Time To Pause And Listen

It’s Time To Pause And Listen

All week, I thought about what I could write to keep inspiring you and lifting you up (if you need a lift, that is).Each day brought something new that I wanted to share with you – great insights, practices that helped me with my own anxieties, and even fun...

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