3 Resources For You To Check Out

3 Resources For You To Check Out

How was your week?    I hope that no matter what you are going through right now (hurricane, fires, illness, pandemic, financial hardships, etc) you ARE being supported and getting the help you need.    I’ve been writing weekly newsletter for eight years (before that,...
Why Do We Hide Our Brokenness?

Why Do We Hide Our Brokenness?

Recently, in our (un)Broken book study, we talked aboutcovering up the ‘shabby parts’ of our lives shame as one of the main reasons we hide our fears, brokenness, imperfectionsempathy as the antidote to shame and as a catalyst to more connection and healing. Here is...
What Happens When Love Doesn’t Show Up?

What Happens When Love Doesn’t Show Up?

One of my favorite songs of all times is “What a Wonderful World.” I have several versions of it on YouTube: one with my son Dante, this one with my sister Sanya, and the one from my new album/book (un)Broken. Many times in the past, I sat with that song at my piano...
Create A Sense Of Abundance

Create A Sense Of Abundance

How are you feeling?    When my dental hygienist asked me the same question a few days ago, I replied: “Good. Kids are at home – relaxed and healthy, tomatoes are ripe, and there is plenty of sunshine.”     I wanted to tell her about my slow recovery from the...
A Healthy Body, Mind and Motivation

A Healthy Body, Mind and Motivation

The other day I got an A+ from my doctor. I’m healing beautifully, she said. Well, I followed her recommendations, did a little bit of research on my own, and mostly followed her advice that most resonated with me: listen to your body. “Any issues?” She asked me....

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