Are You Stuck in a Loop?

Are You Stuck in a Loop?

What are some patterns or habits in your life that you want to change? Maybe you tried something before and it didn’t work. You find yourself back in that old loop of negative thoughts or you keep reaching for the chips, bonbons, or alcoholic drinks. Or maybe no...
How Do We Go On?

How Do We Go On?

There was a moment this past week when a picture of a children’s hospital in Ukraine made me pause… pause in the way where everything moved in a slow motion, as my breath tried to move the tightness and heaviness I felt in my chest.  From somewhere deep within,...
What Does Healthy Self Love Look Like?

What Does Healthy Self Love Look Like?

First, I want to invite you to take a few breaths, become still and present, and then send a wave of love and prayers to the people of Ukraine. May the hearts and minds of the aggressors be opened and changed.  The situation in Ukraine brought up a lot of memories...
All Your Ever Need Is…

All Your Ever Need Is…

I was placing tiny seeds into the small recycled containers filled with good, fresh soil, imagining what they will look like in the summer: growing into big, lush plants that will hold ripe fruit which will nourish my body. I marvel at the miracle of growth every...
Do Our Stories Help Us Connect?

Do Our Stories Help Us Connect?

Last week I wrote about my son Amadeus co-directing a big design competition at his college. Yesterday, I watched him host a Zoom meeting where six judges selected the winners. The start-up business ideas these young people presented were amazing! Every one of them...

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