Make Space for Lightness In Your Heart

Make Space for Lightness In Your Heart

Each day now, I hear of another person I know who has contracted Covid-19, and I hope and pray they will be ok 🙁   My days begin and end with a gratitude prayer for all those who are serving as healers and caretakers right now, and all the love and encouragement...
What Times of Crisis Teach Us About Mindfulness

What Times of Crisis Teach Us About Mindfulness

How are you? How are you spending your minutes these days?   I’m asking about minutes because, as the world suddenly and collectively slowed down, many people have become a lot more aware (mindful) about how they are spending their time. You know, those moments in...
Take This Opportunity To Make Something Beautiful

Take This Opportunity To Make Something Beautiful

I went to the grocery store the other day to buy something for dinner. “What should I make?” I asked my son, Evan. “Whatever is available,” he said. “Of course!” I thought. I almost felt excited. Maybe a little bit like those chefs on the cooking shows who are given...
Staying Connected During a Crisis

Staying Connected During a Crisis

As a touring musician, a mom of three sons (whom I took on the road for 15 years), and frankly as someone who was raised in a country where there were no public bathrooms, I can tell you with certainty that humans can survive without toilet paper. (Ok, I agree that if...

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